Car rental in Amalfi - To rent or not to rent a car on the Amalfi Drive? Image of the famous Amalfi Drive with stunning views of the sea.

Drive Me Crazy: To Rent or Not to Rent a Car on the Infamous Amalfi Drive?

That is the Scenic Question! The Amalfi Drive is a beautiful and infamous road that winds along the Italian coastline. But before you decide to rent a car and hit the road, let’s consider the pros and cons. Driving restrictions and new rules on the Amalfi Drive. As of May 1, 2023, “Ordinanza Anas targhe…

Your Comprehensive Guide to Taking the Ferry to the Amalfi Coast

Your Comprehensive Guide to Taking the Ferry to the Amalfi Coast

From April 1st, you can reach the stunning Amalfi Coast via ferry. The ferry runs from Salerno to the charming towns along the coast until it reaches Positano. UPDATE 2024: With Easter coming early this year, the ferries are starting their service sooner too! I’m excited to announce that this year, we can take the…